

Dr. Dolly has been helping people live healthier lives since 2008, here a just a couple of the cases she has helped;

Corein, 83 years, Holland.
She was brought in by her daughter after suffering a hemiplegic stroke. Unable to walk or function without physical assist when Dr. Dolly examined her, she begun Panchakarma treament for the next 17 days. After 5 days of treatment she was already becoming more independent. At the end of treatment she was able to walk out with only the support of her daughters finger. After a period of three months she was able to perform all her daily tasks again. Corein has returned to Dr. Dolly since her treatment, and they were both so delighted with her recovery.

Seema, 32 year, India.
Unable to conceive a child after 5 years of marriage, Seema had been to many doctors before, but to no avail, finally she found Dr. Dolly. During her treatment with Dr. Dolly she was able to conceive and now has a healthy baby boy.

Juliana, 45 years, France.
After suffering from gastritis (hyperacidity) for 3 years, and finding no medicine offering more than temporary relief, Juliana asked Dr. Dolly if she could help her. Dr. Dolly started her on a 3 month treatment and some dietary changes, and today she is problem free.

dr dolly cases