

Dr. Dolly´s Ayurvedic Clinic is located at Pooja´s Ayurvedic Panchakarma, which lies only meters from the idyllic Patnem beach in Southern Goa. A charmingly beautiful and serene location, Patnem beach is a wonderful place to find the healthier you with Dr. Dolly´s help.

Here in Patnem, a truly relaxing and gorgeous location, a full range of treatments are available through Dr. Dolly, she can help with most ailments. She also offers an array of pro-active massages which have many healthy benefits, both for relaxing as well as healing. So whethere you are in search of a relaxing massage to just get away, or looking for long term solutions to what ails you, stop by and have a chat with Dr. Dolly, an honest and reputable Ayurvedic doctor with many talents.For more information check out her Treatments and Cases studies.
